Page last updated 19 Dec 2019
Action alert
Scope of practice
It is illegal to practice naturopathy in Iowa. A policy statement by the Iowa Board of Medicine states:
It is unlawful to practice medicine in Iowa without a license, pursuant to Iowa Code sections 147.74, 148.1, and 150A.1. It is also unlawful for an unlicensed individual, i.e., naturopath, to hold him- or herself out as a “doctor” or “physician.” Naturopathy is the practice of medicine because it involves the diagnosis and treatment of human conditions. Diagnosis can mean diagnosis of disease or conditions that may include symptoms of disease or ill health. Treatment can mean providing a remedy, cure or recommending care of some nature, e.g., diet, prescription and non-prescription medications or herbs.
There is no legislative history in Iowa.
How to file a complaint
Complaints can be made against naturopaths in Iowa practicing medicine without a license. Anyone can file a complaint. Complaints can be filed via a letter, email or through the online process.
Mail or fax completed complaint forms to:
Iowa Board of Medicine
400 SW 8th St, Suite C
Des Moines, IA 50309-4686
Or email complaints to Luann Brickei at [email protected]